Presidential Election Guide How a follower of the lamb navigates pagan politics.


The 2020 U.S. Presidential election may be the most important… just kidding. For followers of the slain lamb who have given their allegiance to him and gained citizenship in his nation, pagan politics are inconsequential. Jesus has won; Governers, Congressmen, Supreme Court appointees, and Presidents have lost. Nevertheless, U.S. politics and the voting season creates a conundrum for apprentices of Jesus. How should we vote? Should we vote?

Before anything else, it is important to understand that according to the Bible, followers of Jesus are not citizens of America. This understanding helped the early Church realize that they should never participate in the politics and government of the empire they lived in. The same can be said of us. Learn how you are no longer a citizen of America:

Your New Birth Certificate What does it mean to be "born again"? - Christianity has some bizarre phrases: "hedge of protection," "washed in the blood," "sinner's prayer," "traveling mercies,"...  but one of the strangest is the term "born again." You've probably heard it at least once before. You may have even heard it so many times that you don't think twice about what it means. Is "born again" synonymous with being…

Since followers of Jesus are citizens of a new nation where God alone is ruler, it is monumentally important to understand how different our nation is than pagan nations of the world. Learn the key fundamental differences between your nation and America:

5 Differences Between Kingdom and Empire How nations like America are different from Christ's nation. - God has his own nation. The world has their own nations. The nations of the world all operate similarly, though they have each obtained different levels of power with which they can express themselves. God's nation, referred to in Scripture as the Kingdom of God, operates very differently from all the nations of the world.…

Many Christians in America want a President of faith, a man or woman who is a Christian themselves. Is this even possible? Since the word “Christian” essentially means “like-Christ”, who better to be President than Jesus himself? Learn why most Evangelicals probably don’t really want a Christian in the White House:

What If Jesus Were President? The United States of Turn the Other Cheek? - Many Christians believe that America is a "Christian Nation" and pray for presidents who are Christians. On the surface, this is a nice sentiment. After all, if Jesus is Lord of our lives, shouldn't a Christian be the President of the United States? Jesus For President The word "Christian" means Christ-like. So to make claims…

While Jesus isn’t the President of America, America does have a president. According to what everything the New Testament has to say about the right to rule, the presidential rule is illegitimate. Learn how Jesus is the only rightful ruler; we just haven’t elected him yet:

The President is a False Ruler According to Jesus at least. - "Leader of the Free World" is a phrase first coined during the Cold War to describe the President of the United States as the supreme leader over the world's 'democratic' states. Today, America is an imperial juggernaut on the world stage, having a larger military than the next seven militaries under it combined. America is…

While one day the world will recognize Jesus as King, the Bible tells us who the current ruler of America is. You can call it the shadow government, or the deep state, or anything else, but the Bible clues us in on how it all works. Learn why the Bible’s answer may make you second guess whether you should vote at all:

The god of America How all world leaders are servants of Satan. - In America's pledge of allegiance to its flag, you'll hear "One Nation Under God." On all of America's currency, you'll read "In God We Trust". The latter is the official motto of the United States. So who is this god that America speaks of? After all, "god" is not a name, it is a title.…

Once we understand that it is Satan who is the god of America, it makes it very evident that Christians should not participate in his system of power. The early Church understood this, but we modern people may need more help. Learn why Christians shouldn’t participate in Satan’s system of power:

Christians Can’t Be In Government What Jesus can teach us about involvement with empire. - Every four years in America, you'll find at least one presidential candidate running on a platform that includes some sort of "Christian values." If the term "Christian" actually means what it means—being like Jesus Christ—then no president in the history of America was ever a Christian. A bold claim, yes, and it doesn't apply only…

We are told in the Bible that the desire to elect a human ruler over us is a rejection of God and a sin. Voting is more than a sin against God, it is a sin against your neighbor. Learn how voting is violence and why a Christian should never participate:

Voting is Violence Why you want to kill everyone who disagrees with you. - Should you vote in American elections? If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you are not an American. The Bible says that once one of Christ's apprentices pledges allegiance to him and his Kingdom, then they cease to have citizenship in the pagan nation they were born in (Philippians 3:20). This is the…

Scripture says that rulers and authorities (presidents and law enforcement) were shamed on the cross as Jesus triumphed over them. While rich and powerful empires like America have been defeated, they haven’t been fully eliminated yet. Learn how God wants to use you to prophetically declare the fall of America:

America Will Fall Like all empires, the U.S. will come to an end. - On both sides of the political spectrum, many Americans want the nation to be better than it is. Conservatives want to bring America back to a mythical utopia of the past, while liberals want to push America through to a mystical utopia of the future. Both camps are dissatisfied with where things are today. Christians…

While God promises the fall of America eventually, how should an apprentice of Jesus live in Satan’s nation now? Below is a guide to this very question:

How To Live In The Great Satan A guide to living in the world's largest empire. - Some enemies of the United States disparagingly call America "the Great Satan." They do so because they believe that what America does around the world is Satan's work and has the largest capacity to do so. After all, America has almost a thousand military bases around the world located in sovereign nations, many against their…